Thursday, June 16, 2011

Summer rains are unique.  Thunder is louder, lightening is sharper, yet somehow they are more calming than rain any other time of year.  What I truly love the best is the earth’s response immediately after the summer rain.  Trees shake themselves like a puppy after a bath.  Plants stand taller and the colors are more brilliant. The grass seems longer like the rain brought instant growth!  I cannot help but think about the intricacy of God’s plan in caring for the earth.

I have a friend who makes beautiful baskets.  When she is done there is no doubt a feeling of both fulfillment and protection.  Where they are displayed will be a safe place.  A child cries when their beautiful creation is torn or ruined (or purposely knocked over by a sibling or friend).  My grandchildren were like hawks circling the strawberry jam they were making watching the clock and reminding me when it was time for the next step.  They wanted to separate their own jars in the freezerJ.  It is part of our nature to protect what is ours.

Perhaps if you have read this far you think I am rambling today.  Actually I have a thought.  Whatever I do today I pray that it feels loving to those who interact with me. I pray they feel the presence of a caring God around me.  I am His creation still in process so perfection will not describe me today.  Sincere love, patience, and empathy however are a few of the gifts of God to me that can appear to you….may it be so!

PS:  Next time it rains this summer go ahead- go outside and let it refresh you- after all we are part of the creation so it is meant for us too!!!

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