Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What’s wrong with this picture? Seeing a knife in the hands of a seven year old! What is compelling about the picture? The child’s relaxed confidence with the knife. She knows she has permission to use it. She is aware of the presence of adults who love her standing right there giving instruction. That’s what we don’t see.

In today’s world we find ourselves almost daily in situations where there is something in our hands that does not feel comfortable or safe and yet we have to do something with it.  If only Planet Carol could stay calm like this child. Calm dwells in the knowledge that we are never standing alone in our challenges. Jesus walks ahead. Often he carries us as so beautifully illustrated in the “Footprints in the Sand”. Where exactly did I get the idea that I was supposed to come up with all the answers? What I am supposed to do is be a student of the Word of God where all the answers are. I am to pay attention to the voice of the Holy Spirit that talks to me daily. A worshipper of the God who created me for His pleasure!

Complicating the simplicity of the life God planned for me caused complete function failure. I am God’s greatest creation- when the storms erupt around me I need only remember the One who said, “Peace, be still” and the wind and the waves obeyed is right here- right now- forever. I may look like Linus waiting for the great pumpkin to arrive, but in my heart I am confident that He who began a good work in me will complete it….

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