Monday, November 15, 2010

Do What You Can Do Now With What You Have Now

While directing a prayer walk around the perimeter of the United States years back a motto cropped up adopted by our whole church, “Do what you can do now with what you have now”. It has stayed with all of us. When we desire so badly to do something and have no idea where to start or the means to make it happen so often we just drop it. This motto taught us that doing something always brought us a step closer to the goal. Many of us are affected by an economy we have no control over. I have friends who have lost homes, cars, income and have no idea what the future holds. I say we hold on to the motto and focus on what we can do rather than let any door of fear open and propel us into further disaster.

“He who refreshes will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

Whatever I do commit to do – I do it with all my heart. “Born busy” is my excuse to everyone and I have made myself a reputation- My word is as good as George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life!” There is a lady in our church who has had the nursery every 3rd Sunday for years! It is the only thing I have ever seen her do, but we never worry about a nursery worker on the 3rd Sunday of the month because she never misses! More importantly she stays in there the entire service whether any babies come or not! She is appreciated and esteemed highly for keeping her commitment. Another example is donut selling for teen mission trips. You would get down to the last few boxes and the kids would be hungry and grumpy and you had already paid for the product and made some money so why not dump the last few? My friend and I had a strong rule no one goes home until the last box is gone- those last boxes represented the profit of our labors and we wouldn’t give that up! (We might however send her adorable 3 year old daughter to the door with those boxes!)

Doing the nursery once a month or selling donuts may seem petty to you, but the reality is in both these situations the person is doing what they can do now with what they have now! That is what brings the refreshment in the verse above. When we are refreshed we are invigorated- our hope is renewed- we are one step closer to the goal (Having a nursery worker in place every Sunday- Hearing the life changing testimony of a youth who has experienced God in a 3rd world country!) This principle applies no matter what our situation. We can keep our house or believe for another one! We can be a part of God’s plan in this world. Let’s just do something we can do and do it with all our heart! Amazing God will show up and instead of being blasted with loose meteorites we can be on track in the universe avoiding collisions as we follow God!

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