Monday, November 1, 2010

For those of us who are affected by a weak economy and have spent our lives living paycheck to paycheck there simply are no easy solutions. I can remember getting up at 4 am to go and make gravy at Bob Evans and coming home to three babies- twins one year old and a three year old- just in time for my husband to go to work/school. I’ve done craft shows, sold Avon, babysitting, piano lessons and things I’ve blocked out of my memory! In addition I’ve worked full-time since the twins were three-taught school ten years and then directed daycare for about 18 years. Now I run a successful piano studio from my home. My husband also works full time plus part time teaching high school and over the years has had a myriad of “extra jobs”. Now for all you successful money managers out there that want to give me a call and a lesson about how “fix” me let me just say that I have NO REGRETS! Admittedly money management is not a strength of mine, but being a blessing and enjoying life is. My husband and I have started to have weekly money meetings to work on our own “fixes” to problematic money concerns. I will not expound on any details of this plan other than to say that it may show up in a syndicated cartoon series married couples will love! However difficult this commitment is now- already it is bringing buds of hope, but more importantly reminders of blooming fields of successes in our past due to God’s faithfulness. Here are the two important decisions of this weeks meeting:

     1. Without a tithe (giving first check to God) there will be no meeting as we firmly believe this       principle in God’s Word.

    2. How can we not trust that God will guide us through this moment? There truly is no explanation for how we have enjoyed so many trips and extras over the years. On paper there is no financial reason we own our home- we bought it during the time I was changing from Childcare Director to starting my Piano Studio with no savings! What we have today exists directly because of the goodness and mercy of God. The One who gave it will direct us in keeping it!

The Bible has never been intended to be used to lift verses out of context to prove a point. I don’t believe the verse I am about to share means sit on the couch and wait for heaven to move. Our part of receiving any blessing is to live in obedience to God and there is work in that. But what comfort and joy there is to know is that as we do we experience a love beyond our understanding expressed in this verse engraved on my heart:

“And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19 Amplified Bible

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