Thursday, November 11, 2010

Celebrating One Year! Finding Planet Carol!

This week I celebrate one year of writing! One hundred and thirty blogs have been posted of more than a hundred and eighty written. Writing has been in my heart for years and I am always telling a story to whoever will listen! I am thankful God showed me how to make this dream happen and am enjoying every minute of it! One day a photo inspired the blog and from then on I was hooked. I take “odd” pictures I see a story in as well as spend an hour to find one that fits! I’ve spent all week collecting reader’s comments from the blog site, face book, and emails. Your comments have inspired me, taught me, and given me some good laughs. Today I share a few of my favorites:

“…oh dear…another one just like me! So I’m no that ‘unique’ after all! Oh well, the more the merrier, I guess…”

“I love how open you are with your life stories! I laugh with you, of course. Like you said, we’ve all got our ‘blunder stories’.”

“You are a true inspiration and many things you write about have ‘hit home’ in my life as well. They put a smile on my face and leave me feeling thankful for the blessings in my life.”

“….spelling error (2nd paragraph) and a few run on sentences in 2nd and 3rd paragraphs…)

“….excellent post. It is nice that you hold up a mirror for us to look into and see what is really what…”

“…this is quite a post. An expose of the heart. I salute you. I pray your complete success in every way on your journey as you pursue the Lord…..”

“…..I love this! This where my life is right here, right now! Let me know how to sign up for the stop, drop, and roll class- I need it too!....”

“….I think your planet should go a little to the right…or maybe to the left…aw, never mind- it seems to be fine!....”

“….mom you are nuts----this picture is hilarious!.....”

“…you went parasailing-wow I wouldn’t do that…..”

“…Nova wants to know why you took a picture of her bottom….”

“….I love this one. How true it is that life has its discomforts and disruptions. However, with God in our life there are so many blessings…..”

“…this one was precious…..still need to talk about shortening them….the viewership will never grow until they get shorter…..”

“…so transparent and beautiful! The repairs are coming along quite nicely I would say…”

“Once again you have been able to share your experiences of the day even as a rainbow reveals the beauty of the Master Artist’s Hands…..”

“….just what I needed to hear today- thanks….”

My heart is full of gratitude for you my loving and faithful readers!

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