Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Glamour Shot? Not. Just the “real family” sharing a very special time together! In a world where everyone wants to look thinner than they are, more “hip” than they are, more perfect than they are this candid moment is so much fun to post! May God Bless You this Thanksgiving Day and bring you peace.  Let’s catch the unique moments we experience and put them in our pockets to review on a rainy day!

“I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.”
Philippians 1:14

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

In a day where Hollywood compels us to applaud the pirate, admire the thief, believe in vampires, and fall in love with the bad guy where might the virgin have had her baby boy? Where might the kings travel from? Would Jesus have been a computer geek rather than a wood smith? Entertaining speculations though these though may be, God has always had timing in revealing Himself to us and it is perfect. Today I have been meditating on Jesus time on earth as a man.

I know he became flesh and dwelt among us. I know he experienced pain, anger, sadness, and even annoyance, but how did he do it and come out perfect with no sin? It wouldn’t be fair if it was just because he happened to be God- we are told that He walked away from all that he had and only did what the Father told him to do. He only said what the Father told him to say! So I ask again how he did that. I have concluded it is because he knew his Father. My love for God has been based more on gratefulness for all that He has done more than for Who He actually is. That was the advantage Jesus had as a human being living in the flesh. He knew His Father inside and out. He and his father were one and though his flesh pulled and stretched and ached torturing him beyond what any of us will ever know he didn’t give in because he knew His Father. We know from history that as much as the disciples loved Jesus they were all guilty of denying him – their knowledge of who He is was limited until they experienced the resurrection. It is then they came to understand more fully who He is and the Holy Spirit was able to come!

So how pathetic am I? I am wondering how Jesus might have handled Oreo cookies, entertainment, or what car might he have chosen to drive to the Passover had he come today instead of back then. I am speculating still on how he would handle the pressures of our lives today instead of wanting just to know Him! Knowing Him is knowing love. And what does perfect love do? It casts out fear, vain imaginations, and causes humility to operate in God’s presence. I need not remain pathetic. I just need to set my sights on knowing my Father. To the degree I know Him I can be part of His wonderful plan to bring us together……..(many have no positive experience with a father- I've chosen to picture ones I know around this blog knowing they cannot compare to knowing "The Father" yet can direct us)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Do What You Can Do Now With What You Have Now

While directing a prayer walk around the perimeter of the United States years back a motto cropped up adopted by our whole church, “Do what you can do now with what you have now”. It has stayed with all of us. When we desire so badly to do something and have no idea where to start or the means to make it happen so often we just drop it. This motto taught us that doing something always brought us a step closer to the goal. Many of us are affected by an economy we have no control over. I have friends who have lost homes, cars, income and have no idea what the future holds. I say we hold on to the motto and focus on what we can do rather than let any door of fear open and propel us into further disaster.

“He who refreshes will himself be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

Whatever I do commit to do – I do it with all my heart. “Born busy” is my excuse to everyone and I have made myself a reputation- My word is as good as George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life!” There is a lady in our church who has had the nursery every 3rd Sunday for years! It is the only thing I have ever seen her do, but we never worry about a nursery worker on the 3rd Sunday of the month because she never misses! More importantly she stays in there the entire service whether any babies come or not! She is appreciated and esteemed highly for keeping her commitment. Another example is donut selling for teen mission trips. You would get down to the last few boxes and the kids would be hungry and grumpy and you had already paid for the product and made some money so why not dump the last few? My friend and I had a strong rule no one goes home until the last box is gone- those last boxes represented the profit of our labors and we wouldn’t give that up! (We might however send her adorable 3 year old daughter to the door with those boxes!)

Doing the nursery once a month or selling donuts may seem petty to you, but the reality is in both these situations the person is doing what they can do now with what they have now! That is what brings the refreshment in the verse above. When we are refreshed we are invigorated- our hope is renewed- we are one step closer to the goal (Having a nursery worker in place every Sunday- Hearing the life changing testimony of a youth who has experienced God in a 3rd world country!) This principle applies no matter what our situation. We can keep our house or believe for another one! We can be a part of God’s plan in this world. Let’s just do something we can do and do it with all our heart! Amazing God will show up and instead of being blasted with loose meteorites we can be on track in the universe avoiding collisions as we follow God!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Celebrating One Year! Finding Planet Carol!

This week I celebrate one year of writing! One hundred and thirty blogs have been posted of more than a hundred and eighty written. Writing has been in my heart for years and I am always telling a story to whoever will listen! I am thankful God showed me how to make this dream happen and am enjoying every minute of it! One day a photo inspired the blog and from then on I was hooked. I take “odd” pictures I see a story in as well as spend an hour to find one that fits! I’ve spent all week collecting reader’s comments from the blog site, face book, and emails. Your comments have inspired me, taught me, and given me some good laughs. Today I share a few of my favorites:

“…oh dear…another one just like me! So I’m no that ‘unique’ after all! Oh well, the more the merrier, I guess…”

“I love how open you are with your life stories! I laugh with you, of course. Like you said, we’ve all got our ‘blunder stories’.”

“You are a true inspiration and many things you write about have ‘hit home’ in my life as well. They put a smile on my face and leave me feeling thankful for the blessings in my life.”

“….spelling error (2nd paragraph) and a few run on sentences in 2nd and 3rd paragraphs…)

“….excellent post. It is nice that you hold up a mirror for us to look into and see what is really what…”

“…this is quite a post. An expose of the heart. I salute you. I pray your complete success in every way on your journey as you pursue the Lord…..”

“…..I love this! This where my life is right here, right now! Let me know how to sign up for the stop, drop, and roll class- I need it too!....”

“….I think your planet should go a little to the right…or maybe to the left…aw, never mind- it seems to be fine!....”

“….mom you are nuts----this picture is hilarious!.....”

“…you went parasailing-wow I wouldn’t do that…..”

“…Nova wants to know why you took a picture of her bottom….”

“….I love this one. How true it is that life has its discomforts and disruptions. However, with God in our life there are so many blessings…..”

“…this one was precious…..still need to talk about shortening them….the viewership will never grow until they get shorter…..”

“…so transparent and beautiful! The repairs are coming along quite nicely I would say…”

“Once again you have been able to share your experiences of the day even as a rainbow reveals the beauty of the Master Artist’s Hands…..”

“….just what I needed to hear today- thanks….”

My heart is full of gratitude for you my loving and faithful readers!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Fear of love. It is a powerful axiom controlling behavior in this day and time. So many hurts and betrayals swirl around in our hearts. They are fed constantly by unresolved and impossible to resolve issues in our lives. Did I say impossible- the optimist accused of having enough mercy to try and get the devil saved? Yes. I now understand that it is possible only when both sides trust the love of the other completely. If this miracle of restoration happens we must work to keep it strong. But the work is simple. Just obey the only commandment singled out by Jesus as most important:

“…As I have loved you, so you must love one another….” John 13.34

My granddaughter’s tennis shoes are one of the pairs in the photo above. I never have had any desire to put my person on a ride that throws me around and upside down! Truly I can’t even watch (my daughter took the photo)! I think that tops the list of why I resist receiving love – what might love ask me to do? My son asked me to ride a rollercoaster on his birthday one year. I couldn’t say no on his birthday! It was a near death experience never to be repeated! However, he remembers it as a special act of love from his Mom. I wouldn’t have done it for anyone else. If I declare love for you what might you ask from me? Yet here I am confessing to be ardently in love with Jesus who said I must love you.

I am determined to deal with fear. Perhaps you would like to join me on my new rotation around the universe. We will travel it trusting Jesus love one day at a time- “...Perfect love casts out fear…” IJohn 4:18. There is no condemnation here because I am well aware of all the repairs yet to be done. Jesus loves me this I know. Sing along with me a revised version of this tune from “The King and I”……

Whenever I feel afraid
I hold my head erect
And whistle a tune of Praise
So everyone will suspect
Jesus Loves!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What’s wrong with this picture? Seeing a knife in the hands of a seven year old! What is compelling about the picture? The child’s relaxed confidence with the knife. She knows she has permission to use it. She is aware of the presence of adults who love her standing right there giving instruction. That’s what we don’t see.

In today’s world we find ourselves almost daily in situations where there is something in our hands that does not feel comfortable or safe and yet we have to do something with it.  If only Planet Carol could stay calm like this child. Calm dwells in the knowledge that we are never standing alone in our challenges. Jesus walks ahead. Often he carries us as so beautifully illustrated in the “Footprints in the Sand”. Where exactly did I get the idea that I was supposed to come up with all the answers? What I am supposed to do is be a student of the Word of God where all the answers are. I am to pay attention to the voice of the Holy Spirit that talks to me daily. A worshipper of the God who created me for His pleasure!

Complicating the simplicity of the life God planned for me caused complete function failure. I am God’s greatest creation- when the storms erupt around me I need only remember the One who said, “Peace, be still” and the wind and the waves obeyed is right here- right now- forever. I may look like Linus waiting for the great pumpkin to arrive, but in my heart I am confident that He who began a good work in me will complete it….

Friday, November 5, 2010

A dear sweet friend of mine was telling me about her trip to the dentist recently. She left early, as is her routine, but became distracted and took a wrong turn that led to another wrong turn. She pulled over to get her bearings and realized that she had left her partials she puts in every day at home. She had to go home and get her teeth before she could return to the appointment! I have loaded myself down to avoid two trips to the car and locked myself out of my house having forgotten my keys three times this year! (We now have a hidden key) Another friend of mine has quite a reputation with drive thru windows ordering at the trash can, singing into the speakers, or driving off without the food! These are not rocket scientist knowledge and skills here- just daily living!

Have you ever caught yourself driving somewhere you didn’t mean to go just because that place is in your regular routine - the car just drives there on its own? It’s truly an amazing reality how much of what we do is just routine acts. There is both stability and loneliness in that fact. Stability in that we have a life, places to go, things that make up who we are. But loneliness may swirl around our hearts as we catch glimpses of life going on within our visual scope that we have not ventured to explore or perhaps been excluded from. Recently I have become a student of lives around me watching to see responses to similar circumstances. This personal study has only confirmed we are all just like Planet Carol. We have a choice at every turn and what we choose defines us.

We are never alone in this life. Everyone has their story. Sharing these funny calamities helps us all feel perfectly normal! Yet as open as I have become there are still closed topics I will not discuss. But chances are I eventually will, because I am finding that as I allow a true friend to peek inside these private windows I find that I am not alone. There are choices I can make if I choose to receive the courage Jesus gives to all who come to Him.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13

That has been a key verse in my heart for years! When I was bemoaning about something I just couldn’t do an avid and sensitive listener asked me why couldn’t I apply Philippians 4:13 to that? Caught red handed! I chose not to. Perhaps today is the day to take the plunge and jump in.....

Monday, November 1, 2010

For those of us who are affected by a weak economy and have spent our lives living paycheck to paycheck there simply are no easy solutions. I can remember getting up at 4 am to go and make gravy at Bob Evans and coming home to three babies- twins one year old and a three year old- just in time for my husband to go to work/school. I’ve done craft shows, sold Avon, babysitting, piano lessons and things I’ve blocked out of my memory! In addition I’ve worked full-time since the twins were three-taught school ten years and then directed daycare for about 18 years. Now I run a successful piano studio from my home. My husband also works full time plus part time teaching high school and over the years has had a myriad of “extra jobs”. Now for all you successful money managers out there that want to give me a call and a lesson about how “fix” me let me just say that I have NO REGRETS! Admittedly money management is not a strength of mine, but being a blessing and enjoying life is. My husband and I have started to have weekly money meetings to work on our own “fixes” to problematic money concerns. I will not expound on any details of this plan other than to say that it may show up in a syndicated cartoon series married couples will love! However difficult this commitment is now- already it is bringing buds of hope, but more importantly reminders of blooming fields of successes in our past due to God’s faithfulness. Here are the two important decisions of this weeks meeting:

     1. Without a tithe (giving first check to God) there will be no meeting as we firmly believe this       principle in God’s Word.

    2. How can we not trust that God will guide us through this moment? There truly is no explanation for how we have enjoyed so many trips and extras over the years. On paper there is no financial reason we own our home- we bought it during the time I was changing from Childcare Director to starting my Piano Studio with no savings! What we have today exists directly because of the goodness and mercy of God. The One who gave it will direct us in keeping it!

The Bible has never been intended to be used to lift verses out of context to prove a point. I don’t believe the verse I am about to share means sit on the couch and wait for heaven to move. Our part of receiving any blessing is to live in obedience to God and there is work in that. But what comfort and joy there is to know is that as we do we experience a love beyond our understanding expressed in this verse engraved on my heart:

“And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19 Amplified Bible