Tuesday, April 17, 2012

For the past two weeks it has been a joy to have my newest grandson four and a half months old present in my home.  His mother having grown up here was constantly surrounded by family and friends.  It has been like an unending festival in our home with the volume turned all the way up! Today the sweet boy and Mom flew home to Daddy in Brooklyn and my rocking chair is missing the bundle I had gotten used to holding every morning!  I would like to take all the credit for his contentment as all grandmas are prone to do- but I know his adoring Mommy gets first billing and many others care deeply for this boy!
An amazing similarity of the very young and the elderly is the ability to sleep in the midst of noise and activity.  My grandson’s routine went on as usual in spite of the change in environment.  He ate, played, was bathed and changed, slept and then started the cycle once more.  For me it is never like that.  My routine is interrupted by the slightest distraction.  I eat too much or forget to eat.  I stay awake till it hurts so I don’t miss anything!  I might wear the same pants 3 days in a row.  Depending on the moment I may actually curl my hair- though more often just toss it up so as to not forfeit seeing him roll over just to look good!
There are many reasons people have trouble sleeping and refreshing themselves- usually it is not like this moment of not wanting to miss out on the fun.  Loneliness, sickness, worry and much more rob millions of sleep every day.  Reviewing a few of the hundred’s of photos I’ve taken I choose to share these of sleep.  We all remain a child to someone- and to some degree all of our lives need some intervention in orchestrating our schedules so that we can rest.  Here are a few promises God gave to us all that I have found to guide me into my own place of peaceful, innocent, comforting sleep:

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD,
make me dwell in safety.” Psalm 4:8

 “When you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie
down, your sleep will be sweet.  Proverbs 3:24

“I lie down and sleep; I wake again,
because the LORD sustains me.”  Psalm 3:5

  The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you,
      and I will give you rest.”  Exodus 33:14

Sweet dreams to all my readers…………….


1 comment:

  1. Mom, I love you. Every moment in Kentucky was beyond precious. I will hold the memories in my heart forever. Sebastian is yours. He is your boy as much as he is mine. We are family and I am going to work very hard to make sure we come to see you often----so that he will grow up knowing his grandma and his papa. Love you so much! Frances.
