Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Last night’s headline- Civil War!- in the largest font used on the front page I’ve seen in a long time- larger and more prominent than the F-4 Tornados that brought such horrific damage just north and south of Louisville!  Perhaps it is justified.  The tornado’s brought death, and injuries that will change lives forever.  The damages sustained will take years to deal with and the lay of the land will be forever altered in some places.  The Civil War referred to in this headline is of course the UK/ Uof L game in the final four this weekend.  Only in Louisville can you find professional mature adults holding so tightly to their team’s flag that we have houses divided by a huge ribbon with one side Red and the Other Blue.  This fierce emotional battle of the teams has a hold on this city that trumps even the Derby we are so famous for hosting every spring!  The blues and the reds will dress down to their socks and painting their bodies so there is no doubt where they stand.  We the by standers are totally non-existent- even jeered as sissies with no backbone.  I pray there are no deaths or bodily injuries on or off the court.  However, there will be damages sustained in relationships, bragging rights to bully the losing color, and heckling that will go on without a break until next march comes.

There are many vices we choose in life that bring enjoyment and a sense of purpose and belonging.  For the most part these activities are simple good fun and promote physical, emotional, spiritual wellness.  I’m certain in the sea of red and blue out there are many in that category and therefore misjudged when thrown in the big picture I just painted.  I said I would never use a cell phone, and now am at its 24/7 beck and call.  It has taken years to improve my computer skills which now produce much of my work and creative projects. I have been heckled by my husband about my relationship to my computer trumping my relationship with him to the degree I considered his remarks seriously not wanting to be guilty and have consistently defended and argued my case.

Only a few weeks ago did my husband cross over to “the dark side’ and join face book team.  I set him up as he had many friends in his past wanting to friend me that I didn’t know.  I told him if he wanted to reconnect with them he would have to do it himself.  The night he started I heard him laughing. He began to regularly share information and have many tales to tell.  He still says he won’t touch the game world as I do Scrabble, but none the less he is very happy and I will here him say “I need to log in and catch up!”    A couple nights ago he came to bed very agitated.  “What’s wrong?”  I asked as he continued pounding his pillow and mumbling to himself.  “I tried everything you showed me”, he said,” and there is no way to download the picture of the Louisville Bird on my page!  The game is tomorrow night!!!!”  I couldn’t stop laughing.  I posted it for him the next morning and called to get exactly what he wanted to say.  His gratitude was genuine appreciation and excitement!   Whether from depression or exhilaration it is yet to be seen- but this weekend there will be an exhausted man in my house who religiously wears his uniform and flies his flag by the front porch.  No damages will be sustained at our house as I don’t worship the big brown bouncy ball, nevertheless I pray that it will stay safe and sane in our city in the midst…………

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