Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rib Eye steak and Pop Tarts just don’t go together.  Today my life is like that.  Things are a bit mixed up.  Just like this photo taken out my window a few days ago- spring blossoms covered in snow!  I am finding it is not necessary to try to blend it together and explain why it makes sense.  Instead I am learning to treat these moments like a buffet line.  I can choose whatever I want to eat (or pursue) and leave the rest to the others who follow after me.  Chances are they will choose differently and eventually the buffet is gone (or the situations addressed).  It’s the sermon about the body we have all heard hundreds of times- though the whole body may feel the big toe hurting when the can falls on it- there is nothing the stomach, the shoulder, or the ear can do except empathize and carry on with their place and do what God intended.

In such a negative society it is difficult to be optimistic, but the truth is if we put it down on paper and really reflected upon all aspects of our lives I think many would be surprised to find that the blessings and contentment in their lives are more than the troubles.  It’s just easier to see the problems and use them as our reason for not addressing the very thing in our lives that may set us free!  I have told others to leave me alone I am in my “Jonah” world right now.  Sitting in the belly of a big fish fully aware of what God wants me to do and yet finding myself weak and unwilling to follow His direction.  I need your prayers at that moment- only God can move that fish from water to land!  Today I will pray for another and be grateful for those who pray for me.

“ And we pray in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.” Colossians 1:10

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