Thursday, April 14, 2011

In one small section of a tree towering over the house we find dainty spring buds pressing their way out determined to greet the sun.  It seems overnight the tree standing barren all winter is bursting with the fresh new green of life against a perfectly robin blue sky!  If we choose to focus on a single bud the change from bud to leaf is quite interesting to watch, but it is in the collective blooming of all buds that the grandeur of creation is seen.

People call me Planet Carol, Planet Earth, Mars and a few other things these days since I have been writing.  That in itself proves a single person (bud) can have an affect on others.  However, the true success is not the story of a single flight, but the results of many traveling together in the same orbit with the same goals and blooming together! How unfulfilling would it be to have the buds on the tree erupt individually all summer long? We would see flickers of life, but never the stunning beauty God intended for all to see. Out of myself and joined with you we can make a tree that shines with the light of God.  Today I am glad for all of you that know me and have been willing to join me in life.  Together we can not only make a difference in the world- we can make the journey easier when we grow together!

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”  Colossians 3:15


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