Wednesday, January 12, 2011

There are some days you just wake up and wonder who am I? What am I? Where am I? Where is life going? Last night my baby girl came with her fiancé’ to share in the receiving of her engagement ring. I am in mix-matched layered pajamas crazy hair etc and my husband with new beard growth and work clothes. I fear the photo of the beautiful couple with those homeless old people may show up on face book! Really I won’t care and may do it myself- its real life happening the way it happens more often than not. A completely spontaneous event that could never have been planned to be more special than it is! For that moment all else is forgotten and all is happy tears and laughter. The twin sister happened to be there which added so much as we all shared our excitement and she got her husband on the phone. He has been my favorite son-in law for ten years and welcomed his soon to be “husband” of the “other” twin!

This morning I played Disney’s “When you wish upon a Star” along with other worship songs. I thought of how the Star marked the beginning of our salvation with the birth of Jesus. My daughter has sung this song all her life and the fact I can play it in response to her happiness now is a bit surreal. Fairy tales do not come true and in a day and age that marriage is taking such a bizarre rap in society I thank God that we can believe in Him. A loving God who has real plans for our lives that are fulfilling and abundant- we just need to stick close to Him! Who am I? I am a creation of God who has chosen to follow Jesus. What am I? By choice I am a container of His joy and wisdom He so freely offers to me. Where am I? In His presence as I walk each day. Where is life going? I will answer that also in a song I played this morning- “Have Thine Own Way Lord”………

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