Friday, January 28, 2011

Oh to hide inside a gooey chocolate brownie, warm icing dripping through the cracks. Comforted inside and out by the warm chocolate sauce and the body conforming comfortably to the warm dough like a primo mattress set. Don’t wake me up- don’t yell reality to me- I want this delusion to go on as long as possible- reality is simply too much to bear right now so let me enjoy my escape!

We all have these places we go. We create them individually in times of desperation when the need for respite just to survive the moment is necessary. Without them we feel physically overloaded to the point we fear our very being may pop from the pressure! Judge not for you may be judged with the same measure. Yes the brownie has its downfall and we come out sluggish and miserable. The movie or TV show leaves us exhilarated in emotions of fantasy yet immediately the real world faces us head on.

“You are the God who sees me.” Genesis 16:13

Hiding is the illusion. He always knows where we are. Like a good natured Father he plays the game of hide and seek and waits for us to reveal ourselves.  Then He can love on us, talk to us, teach us, and send us on our way more confident knowing He is always there. There is a joy in being found- especially by someone who cares.

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