Monday, January 10, 2011

That’s me on the left. We five had a reputation for our forts, igloos, and snow tunneling! It is surreal to look at this photo and think about where these five people have gone in their life journeys fifty years later. Though it sounds a bit cliché I am thinking today how important every moment in life is- for when we breathe our next breath that moment is gone! Most moments are forgotten over time, but the ones we hold mean they produced something in our hearts that we never let go. Those moments become the framework in building our future. Whether repetitive fun, unexpected excitement, or tragedy when families ever get together there are some moments everyone remembers just as a nation we all remember where we were when President Kennedy as shot , the 9/11 Terrorist Attack took place, and when man took his first step on the moon. The lie is that many moments just don’t matter. They all do. This belief has become stronger during my journey “Finding Planet Carol” as I learned to listen to family and friends with ears that were focused on what they were saying. Though we share many memories, I have been astounded by the many memories others have that I was completely oblivious to. Others have told me they have discovered things about me that they would never have thought to be true as I have become more transparent in my writing.  Paul wrote to Timothy:

“Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.” I Timothy 4:15

The truth is someone is always watching. Though we should not live to please the desires of others, neither should we be naive enough to think what we do and say doesn’t matter. It is affecting someone or something. A favorite children’s book I often refer to tells the story of what happens when a little bug sneezes. The sneeze blows a leaf across the pond that bumps a frog that…that….that…and by the end of the book there is a major event occurring downtown all because a bug sneezed. Today it feels like my weaknesses are screaming for all to see, but inside there is a joy that is my strength. I will choose to let that joy of the Lord have control of this day and perhaps a moment will occur where another is encouraged and hope can rise up in their heart. I may never know, but making the effort to be that kind of person feels really good.

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