Monday, December 6, 2010

We both jumped off the couch. Gunshot. Its pierce so loud and clear we were sure it was in the house, but we were home alone. I followed my husband around the house and stood at the door with my phone in my hand as he checked outside. It was unsettling to find nothing. Not sure what to do with our ears being the only evidence we settled back in and went on to bed. No more were the covers pulled up and another shot sent us grabbing housecoats and slippers to investigate. This time my husband went to both neighbors to check on them. Neither had heard anything. We were clearly spooked and sat up awhile speculating on what it could be, but clearly agreeing gunshot was the only definition of what we had heard. When the third shot came we called the police. I was standing inside the door watching my husband talking to the officer. He later told me the officer explained there had been a shooting a few blocks over a couple weeks back.  They were paying extra attention to our normally quiet American family friendly street. While they were talking however, I heard a fourth shot. Neither Jim nor the officer reacted continuing their conversation. I knew then it had to be in the house. I walked all around inside and ventured to the basement which I rarely do. At the bottom of the steps a more muffled shot stopped me in my tracks. I looked straight ahead at the large chest freezer. Upon opening the lid I saw huge chunks of ice in the otherwise practically empty appliance. Somehow it had been unplugged and was defrosting itself for the first time in a long time! I returned upstairs stumbling in my laughter as my husband came through the door. He of course started laughing too as I told him my discovery. We were too embarrassed to go out and tell the officer- besides it’s nice to have them on alert since there really had been a shooting.

Ice is beautiful but very heavy as our ears heard “gunshot” at the sound of it hitting the base of the freezer. Though a funny story- had I not found the source that night, we could have lived in a state of concern for days or weeks. Ice can also be smooth and fun or sharp and dangerous. It is a great example of something we are easily deceived by. Everyone who lives where winter comes has unexpectedly slipped on a walkway or in a car. Even we who are educated in the dangers get caught unaware and sadly often injured. As I orbit this year I plan to pay closer attention to the sights and sound around me. I will definately be less cocky about following my personal speculations. Our friend Peter said it well in a letter to us all long ago:

“Let me warn you therefore, beloved, that knowing these things beforehand, you should be on your guard, lest you be carried away by the error of lawless and wicked persons and fall from your own present firm condition (your own steadfastness of mind). But grow in grace (underserved favor, spiritual strength) and recognitions and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ….”   II Peter 3: 17-18a Amplified Bible

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