Friday, December 17, 2010

Fascination with a simple thing is all it takes to pull us out of our world even if only for a moment. The first snowflake, the icicle cluster on the lamp post pictured above, a cardinal on a snow covered branch. Perhaps for you today it might be a group of porpoise jumping in the surf or a lone butterfly landing on a flower. If we are alone we enjoy a small surge of excitement, if others are there we holler for them to share the moment. As we pull away that small miracle of life gives us a glimpse of hope for something new, something different, and something better. These pictures of things only God can do remind us we are part of a universe that is amazing and complex. Possibilities increase when we consider the miraculous. Snow is a welcome sight after staring at drab empty trees and mud for a few weeks even if you can’t get out or need to turn up the furnace. I realize that during the crash of Planet Carol I no longer saw these things. I either whizzed by too fast to notice or refused to open my eyes or touch or move. It was a very unhappy place I chose to bury myself in. During that season of my life the snow fell, the porpoise jumped, and the butterflies were landing. I missed it all only because I refused to look. By the grace of God I pray I have learned my lesson never to return to desolation.

“…and lo I am with you always. Even to the end of the world!” Matthew 28: 20b

A friend of mine has her Christmas tree done in red and white to represent the blood of Jesus that covers us and makes us clean and white as snow. A beautiful reminder that Jesus who came as a baby returned to His father having suffered a horrible death- yet the reward was a way for us to be with Him. God wants us- that is why He created us. He desires for us to be happy and enjoy the life we have been given. At this holiday season I don’t have any money. However I can spread a lot of gratefulness for God, for family and friends, for so many blessings most of the world does not have. I will sing loudly for the joy of the Lord is my strength! Just as the choirs have shown up in the malls unexpectedly singing the Hallelujah Chorus, may we who know Love show up unexpectedly to someone in frustration and despair and give them a glimpse of hope………

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