Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Parents have stories to tell for there is nothing quite as wonderful as the first smile, the first word, the first step and on and on the story goes. As children grow older they begin to tell their stories and the perspective of this shared experience of growing up may come out quite differently. If you haven’t experienced your child correcting your version of an incident I guarantee you it will happen! My journey has often been too busy to pay attention to details and I must admit that many times the corrections are true.

In all the stories told few tell of humans willing to admit they are lost. The cartoon that a man will not ask for directions is absolutely true! In addition, the state of being lost (physically or spiritually) has a direct affect upon those close to us. My daughters still tell of the keen disappointment due to missing a very special birthday party when they were ten years old because I couldn’t find the house (no cell phones back then). However, children also are the most sensitive creatures- always picking up when adults in their lives are angry, sad, worried or depressed. Sadly it often robs them of their innocence. Children may feel responsible to take care of the adults in their life or even worse hide from them.

Many of you may not know where the title “Finding Planet Carol” comes from. How can you look for yourself? It sounds like searching the house for the glasses that you are wearing or the keys you are holding. Actually it is exactly that. You see I have always been someone who “directed” anyone in my world who would let me and my administrative skills are strong. Whether you liked me or not if you are part of my world that is what you expected and often relied upon. When I crashed over a year ago the directing halted and administrative skills were tossed aside. My daughter got right in my face one day and asked me, “Mom, where is Planet Carol?” I honestly replied I didn’t know. That was the day I started looking for myself. (above is the actual beginning) Here are a few things I discovered:

1. My actions do not always reflect what I mean for them to. I found that often another’s interpretation of my motivation and mine are completely different.

2. Living in pride that does not allow input from others to change our mind is a very lonely world.

3. Amazing as it is, my universe can make it just fine without me in charge.

4. Sacrifice is like fasting. If you choose to sacrifice your time, money, and energy for the Lord you should not look like a battered martyr anymore than someone fasting should be a picture of starvation. If we give all to Jesus His joy is our strength and we will walk in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit daily.

5. Planet Carol is a planet of peace that passes all understanding provided by underserved mercy straight from heaven! It’s ok for me to take time to enjoy it! After all it is a gift to me personally.

6. I’ve only just begun to find Planet Carol and I smile brighter as she becomes clearer…………..

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