Friday, December 31, 2010

More than once since December 25th I have seen on face book or heard from the mouths of friends “I am done with Christmas!” Even I who rate in the top 5% of Americans who tend to go overboard can empathize with this feeling at the moment. Interestingly though, these words never come out of the mouths of children. Even children suffering physically or in poverty have faith and energy for Christmas long before and long after adults are exhausted! Movie classics old and new remind us of the true meaning of the season, but we can only take so much hype in our physical and emotional beings!

I was reading in Philippians chapter 2 this morning in the Message Bible and came across these words: “Do everything readily and cheerfully- no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message in to the night so I’ll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns!” That my friend is Christmas all year round! If regularly exerting our efforts to bless others is our way of life Christmas would not be such a shock to our routines. Instead it would be an extension of rejoicing in the life we live because Christ was and is and always will be the Way-the Truth- and Life! Happy New Year to All…………….

Friday, December 17, 2010

Fascination with a simple thing is all it takes to pull us out of our world even if only for a moment. The first snowflake, the icicle cluster on the lamp post pictured above, a cardinal on a snow covered branch. Perhaps for you today it might be a group of porpoise jumping in the surf or a lone butterfly landing on a flower. If we are alone we enjoy a small surge of excitement, if others are there we holler for them to share the moment. As we pull away that small miracle of life gives us a glimpse of hope for something new, something different, and something better. These pictures of things only God can do remind us we are part of a universe that is amazing and complex. Possibilities increase when we consider the miraculous. Snow is a welcome sight after staring at drab empty trees and mud for a few weeks even if you can’t get out or need to turn up the furnace. I realize that during the crash of Planet Carol I no longer saw these things. I either whizzed by too fast to notice or refused to open my eyes or touch or move. It was a very unhappy place I chose to bury myself in. During that season of my life the snow fell, the porpoise jumped, and the butterflies were landing. I missed it all only because I refused to look. By the grace of God I pray I have learned my lesson never to return to desolation.

“…and lo I am with you always. Even to the end of the world!” Matthew 28: 20b

A friend of mine has her Christmas tree done in red and white to represent the blood of Jesus that covers us and makes us clean and white as snow. A beautiful reminder that Jesus who came as a baby returned to His father having suffered a horrible death- yet the reward was a way for us to be with Him. God wants us- that is why He created us. He desires for us to be happy and enjoy the life we have been given. At this holiday season I don’t have any money. However I can spread a lot of gratefulness for God, for family and friends, for so many blessings most of the world does not have. I will sing loudly for the joy of the Lord is my strength! Just as the choirs have shown up in the malls unexpectedly singing the Hallelujah Chorus, may we who know Love show up unexpectedly to someone in frustration and despair and give them a glimpse of hope………

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I cried last night. Always I cry at weddings, school plays, every graduation, but other than that tears are rare with me. Last night I cried for really no reason at all except about twenty situations that made me feel sad- hurt- disappointed and lonely. Paul cried when he wrote the Corinthian church saying there were more tears than ink on the parchment over the situation he was addressing. Jesus cried when he was in the presence of death taking a friend. He shed tears mixed with blood so severe was His cry over the cross He chose to bear for us! Comparing all of that I am tempted to say my tears were selfish and silly, but the Holy Spirit clearly is speaking even now about the depth of God’s love for me and nothing is small and silly to Him. I have seen many a child cry and no matter what the reason, the presence of tears means they are troubled in their heart and need help to fix it. I am God’s child and if my heart is troubled for any reason He is there not only wanting to fix it, but having all ability to do so- in a split second when I allow it!

We have also seen the child “turn it on” and then “turn it off” in a manipulative way. That is not what I am referring to. Usually we get caught off guard by tears that may feel embarrassing- or tears justified and we wail louder- nevertheless it is not something we planned- it just happens. Last night I allowed the Holy Spirit to minister to my heart and the tears were cleansing and left me stronger. It happened fairly quickly because I responded to His presence. I am not a pathetic person, I am a person who had allowed my foundation to crack and only the Lord has the strength I need to carry the bags of cement to the cracks, stir it and pour it in. Once He finishes I am energized to follow Him to the next thing! Luke tells about a woman who was a sinner and brought the alabaster box of ointment for Jesus and cried tears of repentance as she washed Jesus feet. Those are tears we all must cry! Perhaps I will cry more often this year or maybe not. Either way when they come I know where to turn and allow God to take them and use them for good. Tears are here to stay on the earth, but the day will come when God shall wipe away all tears from our eyes as we enter eternity with Him. For now let’s let them fall into His hands and follow Him to peace that passes all understanding and enjoy a taste of heaven here and now! We may physically and emotionally experience the hurricanes of life, but there is always a place of peace where God resides!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

“…God has had it with the proud, but takes delight in just plain people…”
I Peter 5:5b Message Bible

Especially during the holidays many people want things to look their best. My husband surprised me with the beautiful greens to enhance the entrance of our home which is also my piano studio! Everyone is enjoying them and they tend to have a voice saying," Come on in -you are welcome here!".  We are just plain people and though we feel enormously blessed with our home and the things we have, our TV screen is only a 27 inch so by America’s standards we come in on the lower half of the income scale! In spite of that all through the years people have enjoyed being in our home. I know the reason is the presence of God dwelling in our house. He is love, peace and joy and you can feel Him here. There is “magic” in the air where Jesus is and people can feel it whether they recognize it as God or not.

Planet Carol of the past worked too hard to make things perfect for everyone around her. I myself missed the point. What blesses others is God himself. Keeping Him in the center of all I do is the only job I have. When the lonely or discouraged person comes it is my being prepared to share His love because I myself have proven His trustworthiness everyday that can bring them help.  It has always been my calling in this life to encourage others, especially those in the body of Christ who are struggling to find their place. We were created to share this life experience together- all those solo flights bumping into things were for naught. I for one am staying hooked into God’s command ready for assignment! Just like Clarence in “It’s a Wonderful Life” I will not for a moment think I know how to do the job, but will be a faithful companion and friend to the one who is searching for their answer gently guiding them to see God whenever I can! My house is decked out as usual this Christmas, but I have allowed others to take over the directing of activities. This Christmas I am concentrating on being healthy, rested, pleasant, and available for the things that are mine to do.  (Happy Birthday Dad- I’ve finally lightened up!)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Many families draw names this time of year-especially big ones. This is our first time to draw names and it is particularly hard on “Planet Carol Santa”! In honor of the new tradition I themed our tree “The Grinch” and hung the sign you see above. It’s all in good fun and PaPa pulled out his Lionel Train to circle the tree for the first time in a couple decades to spruce things up! I was very proud of “the family Grinch”. It has forced me to think about all the things so much more important than the stuff in our lives. Creativity carried away is just one of my many strengths that can “look like Godliness” but in reality has often pulled me away from taking time to get to know Jesus personally. Being busy doing good things does not equate with time spent getting to know intimately the one who invited me to be part of His family- forever!

Approaching a season that for many brings sad memories, publically displays their lack, or pressures them into uncomfortable situations- we planets wearing the Santa caps would do the world a favor by concentrating on building our good character. Sharing these qualities built in us by the Holy Spirit while in traffic, in line at the store, at work, or trying to get our orders at the local cafĂ©. Here are a few Peter suggests we should work on (I think this might keep me busy….):

Spiritual understanding
Alert discipline
Passionate patience
Reverent wonder
Warm friendliness
Generous love

(II Peter 1:5-7)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Parents have stories to tell for there is nothing quite as wonderful as the first smile, the first word, the first step and on and on the story goes. As children grow older they begin to tell their stories and the perspective of this shared experience of growing up may come out quite differently. If you haven’t experienced your child correcting your version of an incident I guarantee you it will happen! My journey has often been too busy to pay attention to details and I must admit that many times the corrections are true.

In all the stories told few tell of humans willing to admit they are lost. The cartoon that a man will not ask for directions is absolutely true! In addition, the state of being lost (physically or spiritually) has a direct affect upon those close to us. My daughters still tell of the keen disappointment due to missing a very special birthday party when they were ten years old because I couldn’t find the house (no cell phones back then). However, children also are the most sensitive creatures- always picking up when adults in their lives are angry, sad, worried or depressed. Sadly it often robs them of their innocence. Children may feel responsible to take care of the adults in their life or even worse hide from them.

Many of you may not know where the title “Finding Planet Carol” comes from. How can you look for yourself? It sounds like searching the house for the glasses that you are wearing or the keys you are holding. Actually it is exactly that. You see I have always been someone who “directed” anyone in my world who would let me and my administrative skills are strong. Whether you liked me or not if you are part of my world that is what you expected and often relied upon. When I crashed over a year ago the directing halted and administrative skills were tossed aside. My daughter got right in my face one day and asked me, “Mom, where is Planet Carol?” I honestly replied I didn’t know. That was the day I started looking for myself. (above is the actual beginning) Here are a few things I discovered:

1. My actions do not always reflect what I mean for them to. I found that often another’s interpretation of my motivation and mine are completely different.

2. Living in pride that does not allow input from others to change our mind is a very lonely world.

3. Amazing as it is, my universe can make it just fine without me in charge.

4. Sacrifice is like fasting. If you choose to sacrifice your time, money, and energy for the Lord you should not look like a battered martyr anymore than someone fasting should be a picture of starvation. If we give all to Jesus His joy is our strength and we will walk in the wisdom of the Holy Spirit daily.

5. Planet Carol is a planet of peace that passes all understanding provided by underserved mercy straight from heaven! It’s ok for me to take time to enjoy it! After all it is a gift to me personally.

6. I’ve only just begun to find Planet Carol and I smile brighter as she becomes clearer…………..

Monday, December 6, 2010

We both jumped off the couch. Gunshot. Its pierce so loud and clear we were sure it was in the house, but we were home alone. I followed my husband around the house and stood at the door with my phone in my hand as he checked outside. It was unsettling to find nothing. Not sure what to do with our ears being the only evidence we settled back in and went on to bed. No more were the covers pulled up and another shot sent us grabbing housecoats and slippers to investigate. This time my husband went to both neighbors to check on them. Neither had heard anything. We were clearly spooked and sat up awhile speculating on what it could be, but clearly agreeing gunshot was the only definition of what we had heard. When the third shot came we called the police. I was standing inside the door watching my husband talking to the officer. He later told me the officer explained there had been a shooting a few blocks over a couple weeks back.  They were paying extra attention to our normally quiet American family friendly street. While they were talking however, I heard a fourth shot. Neither Jim nor the officer reacted continuing their conversation. I knew then it had to be in the house. I walked all around inside and ventured to the basement which I rarely do. At the bottom of the steps a more muffled shot stopped me in my tracks. I looked straight ahead at the large chest freezer. Upon opening the lid I saw huge chunks of ice in the otherwise practically empty appliance. Somehow it had been unplugged and was defrosting itself for the first time in a long time! I returned upstairs stumbling in my laughter as my husband came through the door. He of course started laughing too as I told him my discovery. We were too embarrassed to go out and tell the officer- besides it’s nice to have them on alert since there really had been a shooting.

Ice is beautiful but very heavy as our ears heard “gunshot” at the sound of it hitting the base of the freezer. Though a funny story- had I not found the source that night, we could have lived in a state of concern for days or weeks. Ice can also be smooth and fun or sharp and dangerous. It is a great example of something we are easily deceived by. Everyone who lives where winter comes has unexpectedly slipped on a walkway or in a car. Even we who are educated in the dangers get caught unaware and sadly often injured. As I orbit this year I plan to pay closer attention to the sights and sound around me. I will definately be less cocky about following my personal speculations. Our friend Peter said it well in a letter to us all long ago:

“Let me warn you therefore, beloved, that knowing these things beforehand, you should be on your guard, lest you be carried away by the error of lawless and wicked persons and fall from your own present firm condition (your own steadfastness of mind). But grow in grace (underserved favor, spiritual strength) and recognitions and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ….”   II Peter 3: 17-18a Amplified Bible

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A crisp twenty dollar bill feels good in our hands these days. Right after church a family handed me one as payment on their piano account and I was pleased to get it as I needed the money to buy lunch and take my grandson to a concert that afternoon. There was a group of us standing around in the lobby after church when the bill was passed to me- all witnesses I had the money- yet five minutes later I couldn’t find it! Everyone got into the search. There were 2 bags of clothes I had been looking at someone grabbed saying it was probably in there. The children searched under tables and chairs. A friend took my purse to go through. I checked and rechecked all my pockets where the couple who gave me the money thought they saw me put it. When after all this it still didn’t appear I went into the restroom and took off my pants and shook them to make sure it hadn’t fallen somewhere unawares! I came back out flustered and my son-in law pulled out his wallet and asked it anyone had change for a twenty- he would give me ten saying so sweetly what was his was at least half mine! Of course I refused. The pastor’s wife called down to the church office and asked her husband if they had picked a twenty dollar bill off the floor on the way to count the offering! Then she looked at me and said, “…Trash?” I remembered throwing something away. She opened the can and there it was right on top. I am still being called so wealthy I throw money away!

Funny as this story may be, I can’t afford to be careless. Careless: inattentive, negligent.  As Planet Carol orbits into a second year I am considering Peter’s words to us:

“…be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure…I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have! I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live...”
2 Peter 1: 11a-12a NIV

1. I for one thank God for friends who will help when I mess up!

2. I plan to listen to friends who love me and know the Lord. I need their constant reminders of the truth of God’s love and purpose for my life.

3. I will laugh with those friends when they catch me acting out a Lucille Ball episode and lighten up knowing I am not alone!