Monday, January 21, 2013

The comment has been made that “if you haven’t found Planet Carol by now chances are you never will”.  May I just say that life is a journey and though this blog began during a time my awareness of being lost was overwhelming me- a big lesson that I have learned is that the joy of discovery is what spurs me forward.  If anyone comes to a day they are certain there is nothing left to discover what a very sad day that will be. Drifting in hopelessness is not life!
If you have experienced being a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle you understand the joy in discovery we share as we watch as our children grow.  Our fourteen month old grandson just learned the fun of stabbing your food with a fork.  The whole family is cheering him on!  Consider what life would be like if we were constantly being cheered on in our discoveries.  I hear you- the ones saying well there comes a day you need to grow up!  Well I am not proud to say I have been that naysayer in the past- but no more.  Finding Planet Carol is all about being encouraged- someone cheering me on- to keep that organic food stocked and ready- keep writing- continue believing God for His promises to manifest!  Those cheerleaders validate my life.  They make the pursuit of daily discovery of something that will enhance my life experience energizing and fulfilling.
Today as I write sunshine is pouring through my window.  Everyone prefers a sunny day to light up our lives and warm our bodies.  Smiles come easier in that environment.  When the rain comes I reflect on my first airplane ride and my fascination as the aircraft flew up into the storm clouds and I found myself staring at a perfect sunny day with billowing clouds instead of grass receiving its glow.  That is one of many discoveries that still brings me joy as I revisit it in the memories of my mind!
Yesterday I asked the children at church how to get to heaven.  My nine year old granddaughter immediately said by learning our ABC’s and doing them.  I was momentarily confused until I realized she meant the ABC’s we teach all the time:

A-    Admit you are a sinner
      B-    Believe Jesus died for our sins and rose again.
      C-    Confess your sins and declare Jesus to be your Lord
I did that for the first time when I was only eight years old.  For many years now I continue to discover what it means to have Jesus as my Lord.  Finding Planet Carol has taught me it means the same thing today as it did when I was eight.  The only difference is the older and more set in my ways I become the greater the tendency in me is to think I’m grown up now and don’t need His Lordship especially in the little stuff.  Now I thank God daily I discovered that is WRONG!  I am His kid forever and life works only as I follow Him daily and discover the wisdom He has for me to find.  Excuse me- just saw someone I am going to cheer on…………………..

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