Friday, December 14, 2012

The soothing warm water was showering over me as I rinsed my hair and then there was loud knocking on the bathroom door.  “Mom, the police are here.  They want to talk to you about the incident in Penny’s parking lot.”  “What incident?” I asked.  She didn’t know and went back and I could hear the voices.  I quickly finished and got out.  It was quiet so I called out, “Are they still here?”  “Yes”, a man’s voice answered.  Quickly dressing I went out still combing my wet hair and feeling totally confused.

For the next fifteen minutes as we sat by our beautiful Christmas tree a discussion went on about how our truck driven by a blond woman was reported to have hit a car in the Penny’s parking lot on Saturday.  After the “hit” the woman gave another driver a strange look and then drove off.  At least three times I explained that yes I had been at Penny’s but I didn’t hit anything or give anyone any strange looks.  The officer was strong about the fact that someone would not take the time to get a plate number and report such an incident if it hadn’t happened.  I asked if there was damage and he said the other car just had a minor scrape on the bumper and was not pressing charges.  My daughter came in irate at my being accused of a “misdemeanor” (yes the officer said those words and also added they noted I didn’t have a record!) and said someone must have been mad about not finding a parking place.  Then I remembered I did go back to our truck in the middle of my shopping to get something I had forgotten to take in.  There were cars looking for parking spots, but I didn’t leave my space but just went back in. My daughter further stated we have insurance why would I “hit and run?”  (At that point I asked her not to be involved).  I told him that I never heard any strange sound which might explain having done it and not known and was positive I hadn’t hit anything.  He held his ground and firmly let me know that he was there to warn me that people were watching so I’d better do the right thing.  Flabbergasted I assured him if I had done anything I would have stopped and given my information. He finally repeated the warning for the fifth time and then left wishing us a Merry Christmas.
There are no words really.  He was doing his job. But really????  My daughter was upset the rest of the morning and kept saying, “He doesn’t know you!  I can’t believe you went through that.”  OK- some of you are laughing now thinking maybe I really did do it and that my memory and alertness are waning.  You only think that because you are worried about your own!  Well, it’s over and I had a lovely day.  Angels have always been on all four sides and the top of my car when I drive and I figure God will just send an extra one now to protect me from the informant……….

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