Thursday, March 1, 2012

Leap Year has come and gone. Media reports of extreme parties for those with birthdays all over the world gave something positive and interesting to hear!  Personally I think it should be a day off for everyone.  Why can’t we stop the world for one day every four years- after all we are in control of it- or not.  My newest grandson celebrated his first leap year in a way that makes grandma proud- he got on an airplane for the first time- read the safety manual- loved his safety seat and happily posed for all who stopped by!  It’s a sign his life will include leaps of adventure and I believe he will make the most of each one.  There was only one little downside- the plane landed in North Carolina instead of Louisville.  He doesn’t care- he is happy on his adventure, but grandma is having a problem waiting for the flight to arrive at her house in April!

Planet Carol gravitates to any celebration.  I love decorating for the season, finding a reason to send a card, and having unique opportunities to make something with the grandkids to share with friends and neighbors.  I will stop whatever I am doing to copy an idea or save a photo to remind me of a project I might do one day! Since my grandson doesn’t know yet what a cool leap year day he’s experienced I am using his first flight to celebrate his adventure with you !  As I have learned to feel real joy for another’s opportunity there has been stronger contentment in my life.  For even if I am not the one doing the thing- celebrating with the one who is plants seeds of hope and possibility for my future.  I have not made it a secret in writing this blog that I am a Christian who loves the Lord.  Having titled myself as such I must say that during my journey there are many times my life has not reflected what I have been so sure of in my heart.  I am still getting to know this Lord of my life and am excited to report that I have found He is far more interested in my enjoying this life than I am. As a parent I am sad when my children are struggling and thrilled when they find their way to contentment- how much more is this true of the Lord I love.  Instead of the job I think He wants me to do today I will seek the reason to celebrate just living………

You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

 Psalm 16:11

1 comment:

  1. I think Sebastian would be proud of his grandmother's blogging:) He will have these beautiful words to read someday. Can't believe how cute the newest member of our family is.....God is so good!
