Thursday, October 20, 2011

There is a receipt from Taco Bell dated April 2, 2011 6:00 pm.  It was for a Diet Pepsi and a Mountain Dew for the Bride and Maid of Honor-twin sisters heading for baby sister's special day.  They were scheduled to arrive at the ceremony at 6:00 pm!  Of course there had been a call to delay a little- something about the groom not having socks.  Upon arriving the wind gusted and the sweet flower girl’s petals blew out into the parking lot causing a hundred petal pick up by the bride and bridesmaids.  As everyone was lining up we looked at the banner I had spent several hours making at the brides request and in shock we saw that a letter was missing.  The Pastor’s wife sprinted to the vehicle to find the missing letter.  By now things were quite a bit behind so the bride made the decision just not to use the banner.  This of course horrified the nephew whose job it was to carry it down the isle.  Grandma stepped in and calmly smiled and said to let him carry it- no one would probably even notice it.  So “Here Comes The Bri e” was gallantly carried down the isle.  Of course we found the D right after the ceremony was over.  The really fun parts of life are often unseen- no one inside patiently waiting ever knew any of this!
Last week I was making a new poster for our Children’s Church honoring those who memorize the books of the Bible.  Gathering the extra letters from the wedding project I had everything I needed except a B.  I decided to borrow it from the banner which now hangs in my home office.  The next day I took the photo above while laughing- this married couple is about to have their first child- how appropriate is the banner now!  My daughter may decide she wants to keep it after allJ

There is a time and season for everything and it is NOW.  We miss so many special moments caught up in keeping schedules and having chosen responsibilities cause us to be anxious or upset.  We miss NOW when our thoughts are in the past or the future.  Today I choose to pay attention to what is happening around me as I walk, talk, read, eat, and work on my projects of the day.  I expect if I focus on the moment I may notice some petals flying in the wind or a stray letter on the ground.  If perhaps I have crossed the path of a wedding party trying to get into their ceremony I will have enjoyed the pleasure of sharing a moment that made me smile I won’t forget…

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