Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Many of us have so enjoyed the benefits of facebook- sharing the lives of family through pictures and messages- reconnecting with old friends-and staying connected with the busy friends we have.  Today I read something that caused me to stop and reflect.  Someone whom I had reconnected with shared something about a major trial in her life.  Since reconnecting with her months ago I never would have guessed there had ever been a problem in her life.  It really is no different than seeing people only at church or on the street and generally we are all “fine”.  My daughter insists upon a detailed explanation if I use that word with her!  There is no Utopia- even in Hawaii- everywhere a human stands there is something in their heart.  I have more than one something I meditate about how to fix on a daily basis!

I am definitely not encouraging people to use facebook as a place to vent all their pain.  There is a great deal of “too much information” and unpleasant language as well as just plain meanness that appears on my newsfeed. Today, however, I will consider more carefully what I am seeing for someone in that list of friends whose posts may seem annoying may be carrying a situation in their heart that is too heavy for them.  As in the photo above I may see the bright beautiful colors, but all they see is grey. I have found Hebrews 4:16 “So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.” to be my answer.  In addition unexpected acts of love always brighten my day and lighten any weights in my heart.  Today I will look for a place to spread some love around……

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