Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I can see it, feel it, and remember the smile that came when I got it.  It was a plan for fun to share with family and friends that Christmas but circumstances kept it from happening.  Now a couple years later I remember the plan- can see the music in my hands- but for the life of me I simply can’t find that special place I put it for safekeeping until this day came!  It’s “I Wish You the Merriest, the Merriest” in four part harmony and this year we have time to learn it!  I salute my friends who stay organized and never misplace anything (though at this moment I don’t remember your names).

Truly it is a mystery no matter what the size of the office or house we may have we lose things!  I have bought many organizing containers and reorganized all my stuff a hundred times.  However, usually right after organizing it is harder to find things than ever because I was accustomed to my organized mess!

As with most things in life there is a bright side to the losing of things- finding them!  What pleasure to find a family treasure not seen in years- a Christmas present you forgot to give- a new pack of my favorite pens or the ten dollar bill in a pocket of jeans that haven’t fit for awhile.  Some people are difficult to cheer up in the days we are living right now- but not me.  I’m one of the simple ones.  The smallest gift, word of kindness or encouragement or finding something I’ve completely forgotten about can change my whole day!

Dining out at a restaurant patio this past weekend my family began discussing their jobs, salaries and upcoming opportunities.  I realized for the first time ever (me the simple one) that my part in this family is no longer significant financially.  I’m praying for a new piano student that will increase my income by fifteen dollars a week!  I starting laughing at myself and could hardly get it out to tell them why.  They had seen this truth for sometime and were quite amused I just now got it.  Walking away I thought again about that piece of music I still haven’t located.  Life is full of surprises and forgotten gifts.  Who knows really- I may still become the millionaire- I just haven’t opened the box that holds the opportunity.  I smile at the possibilities ahead……………… 

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