Saturday, February 16, 2013

Photo Coming Soon
There are things we want that quite frankly are just not worth the price we have to pay to get them.   As a result grandma stepped in, because I wanted it too!  I got to the house where the “clothes had been laid out”.  Truth is it took grandson and me thirty-five minutes to come up with the two outfits complete with tights, socks and shoes.  Running late to pick up granddaughter grandson comes out with the shoe shine kit to fix the scuffs on his dress shoes.  Quickly I dab it on, shine a bit and we are off.

Upon arriving at the school the “healthy snack” (fresh pears) was handed out.  My daughter had informed me that since I was going to take them for a photo grandson would have to have a haircut first.  We arrived at the Salon and while he was getting his fancy cut we went shopping for a matching hair bow as one could not be found at the house.  After returning with our perfect find granddaughter went into the Salon restroom to change.  She came out just as the haircut was completed.  A dear grandmother waiting for a perm asked her where she was going looking so pretty.  When she was told it was a photo shoot she instructed the hairdresser to get out his cream to fix the fuzzy hairs escaping from her braids- it had to be done for the photo.  Grandson went to change as the hairdresser complied and it was a truly an amazing completion of the perfect look!  The same lady questioned grandson as he came out in his black slacks and sweater about the chain he was putting on.  “Young man that is not formal enough to wear with that outfit- it will ruin the pose’, she said.  Into my purse it went.

As you might expect the photo shoot was at another mall so off we went ready to go.  There was a short wait, but no one else was there.  First they played with the ‘baby toys’ but quickly bored grandson gave granddaughter a lesson in dancing the minuet.  The twirling dress and fancy moves were indeed entertaining, but I was so thankful we were alone. They ended the dance and grandson came over to show me his shoes.  All the spots had returned.  I don’t want to think about where the polish went.  Thank God Julia Roberts taught us about using a sharpie and we were set again!   By the time the photographer was ready I opted to remain where I was and let her take it from here.  I could hear some commotion in the studio room and knew I had made the right decision.  About fifteen minutes later granddaughter came out alone laughing.  “Grandma,” she said, “We are having a problem with silliness and the poses are creepy!”  “What is happening now?” I asked.  “She is doing his alone shots and sent me out.”  Now of course I am laughing.  When it was her turn to go alone she was gone ten minutes longer than it had taken for him.

I was prepared with a snack of Doritos and bottled water as we waited to view the proofs.  When we finally did view the shots you would have thought we were deciding on a magazine cover as each photo was carefully scanned for any flaw and many rejected!  Grandma had the final say and miraculously we were in agreement about the choices.

As we checked out the photographer explained I would receive a free sitting and photo on our next visit.  My grandson piped up and told her we would look for her.  With good humor she was very immediate in her response.  “When I see you coming I will put up the Closed Sign!”  She quickly explained to me that they were not misbehaved or rude- actually very sweet kids.  It was just that grandson wouldn’t stop talking and giving directions long enough to get a shot and granddaughter just couldn’t sit still in her excitement of it all.

I am very excited about the photos coming.  But as we left the Mall I called their Mom and said, “I will be there in a few minutes.  They are hungry and I am just going to pull up and drop them off.”  Four hours of life. Wouldn’t trade it for anything!  Oh the joy of being Grandma……oh the joy of driving home alone……………………

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