Sunday, October 7, 2012

It’s Sunday morning and I just don’t write on Sundays.  Yet here I am at the computer compelled to tell you the thoughts flowing through my heart early on this day.  I am a “church goer” person not because it is a commandment and I fear disobedience will keep me out of heaven- but because there is no where else I want to be on Sunday.  I long to be with friends who share my love for God and believe that Jesus made a sacrifice of himself because He loves me (and every other human he created).  I can’t wait to read Dr. David Jeremiah’s new book “God loves me; He always has and He always will”.  Everything and everyone has disappointed me at some juncture of life except this one truth and so at least for this day of the week I will stop and declare this is who I am and have been since I was eight years old.  That is decades of years I have never been disappointed, but rather amazed at the love of God that remains constant even in my worst moments.  He is the perfect Father who hasn’t missed even a second of my life.  There to shout the victories.  There to comfort my sadness.  There to cast out any fear.  There to heal my hurts.  There to joy in touching others lives.  There to laugh with me at the antics of my grandchildren.  There to direct me in times of confusion.  It is Sunday.  I will share this morning with those who also have a grateful heart and want to give thanks and praise to the God who desires that all man come unto Him and receive eternal life....(above picture taken two weeks ago with my pastor Don Blevins on his birthday)











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