Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The uprising is going to be strong sounding like an erupting volcano.  There is simply no other answer and I am going to have to tell them soon.  There will be no home-baked cookies this Christmas.  I cannot imagine it myself, but the third grandchild has arrived and the truth has to be put to the light.  I eat two thirds of what is baked at Christmas- a sweet tooth passed down for several generations.  This year the goal is to have a very merry Christmas without a cookieJ  Grandma got inspired by the staircases and walking in New York City.  There was no choice.  We called it “Boot Camp in New York”.  I am already stronger for it, but here in Kentucky it is a choice and It Is Very Hard To Choose!
Can habits change after years of unthinking motion?  My experience is yes, but then I do the backslide and find myself right back into the old pattern.  I really don’t want to backslide this time, but many times before that also has been the case.  I have been visited in variations of the 3 ghosts at Christmas and still just temporary change.  People say it’s because I don’t care about myself or make myself a priority.  I’m really not sure, because the truth is my size and level of physical fitness has never factored in the measurement of my contentment, peace and happiness in life.  Repeated failures surprised me when I finally noticed, but rarely affected my daily state of mind.  Facebook is a great place to crop anything unseemly so the truth doesn’t have to be shown!

Here’s the deal.  A favorite scripture of mine has always been Philippians 4:13. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”  Wanting to conquer the physical fitness need has been the problem.  Today I want to be successful in this.  No cookies this year and I will be honest to the core.  If it doesn’t happen, no when it does happen I think I will want to do more…………..somebody tell my husband……………….

1 comment:

  1. Be confident in this very thing. that He who has began a good work in you will continue until the day of HIS return,developing and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you. You rock! You CAN do ALL things through Christ!
