Friday, February 4, 2011

“Don’t throw that away!" my husband says. “I can fix it.” The truth is he can, but there are two problems to consider- no make that three:

1. When will he fix it? The broad range of possibilities here must be considered. Can I live without it for days, weeks, and on occasion years?

2. Will the repair show leaving the damage in view-forever- as in the picture frame above?

3. How long will the repair hold together- does it have so much sentimental value it is worth repeating as needed?

Usually I toss the broken things. But others get pass the 3 step review and sit on his dresser or in the basement to wait for the moment of inspiration. Being quick to toss the broken and only display the perfect is fine for stuff, but often I see that same philosophy creeping into how I feel about myself or others. I have no problem fixing the grey hair and have it on the priority list. My 7 year old granddaughter did a great job painting my toes so I’m in good shape for pretty feet. I’ve got the right face cream keeping the wrinkles down. But somewhere along the line I threw out all repair equipment for body weight!

I fixed it in 1977. Repaired again in 84 and 88. Some repairs in the 90’s were maintained for months. And here I am- broken once again and truly there is no when, there is no will, and there is little hope for maintenance if it does happen. And if it happens the double chin will become even more like the turkey’s gobbler as a darling child pointed out to me. Good news is clothes wouldn’t be an issue as my closet carries 5 sizes!

Truly I am happy for all of you who have beaten this hurdle, but beware today- I don’t want to hear about it!!!!!! I have been given advice and even been sent anonymous mail about diet plans from well meaning friends. But if you have been there you know. It’s personal. The decision to move into repair is delicate. Weight is only one of many areas that we may need repairs. What about forgiveness? What about esteeming others better than ourselves? What about speaking up for the weak and helpless? Truth be known we have all misquoted Philippians 4:13 to say I can do all things through Christ except _________. This year let’s all hold back our opinions and pray more for each other to have the courage to turn whatever we fill in that blank over to Jesus. He will do it now. There will be no scar. It will last forever because He will fix us as often as we break! His love has declared "...Come unto me all ye who are weary and I will give you undeserved mercy and grace........"

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