Saturday, July 17, 2010

If you have children you have played one of a hundred versions of “What do I See?” We all know the routine- give the color and everyone guesses something different and we all suspect the “leader” may be changing their mind in the course of the guessing. In the photo above I saw 2 girls sharing a moment at the Zoo. When my granddaughter saw it she asked me why I took a photo of their bottoms! What do I see today- a life with too much to do and no possible way it will all get done. A life with needs that can’t possibly be met with what I have and know. Friends and family hurting for a variety of reasons including financial stress, physical pains, mistreatment coming from a former source of love, overload of responsibilities on their plate- just to name a few. I see a world that used to be fairly simple as such a complicated place there is no way to find your way through the maze. Just like the leader in the game who has named the color I keep changing my mind about what it really is I want to draw attention to!

Rereading the above paragraph I find it very reasonable for any of us to choose to withdraw from dealing with circumstances so overwhelming. However in my orbits over the years I have found a solution that has worked when life was easier as well as in the hard places. It is simply this:

1. Make a list of the top 5 things bothering you.

2. Choose which one of those things is bothering you the most.

3. Address that one thing and life takes an upward turn!

Sometimes the thing bothering me the most was not the most serious thing on the list- it was having not mailed birthday cards sitting on the counter for several weeks or a call to someone I care about. Other times something bigger- like doing the taxes or dealing with a financial issue turned out not to be as big as I had built it up on the “to do list” and I would feel almost foolish for the amount of energy the I had used up worrying over nothing! When I freed my mind from one stressor it increased hope and confidence that others that remained overwhelming might also be conquered in time.

Jesus felt overwhelmed as a man on the earth. He is not without compassion and empathy for what each of us face. And I will fly again in the universe because He has not left me alone. He filled me with His Holy Spirit to be my comforter, my wisdom, my navigator who can take my wrong turns and make corrections that put me back in orbit……..

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