Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The hidden tree.  All over the world you can find one.  Unique and special in its own personal beauty and yet hidden from view unless you make a special effort to find it.  If you happen to discover it you will be drawn to stand a moment to enjoy the pleasure its beauty brings.  I have one such tree in my front yard.  In these photos you can see the beauty of this tree- yet it is hidden from view except coming up the side porch entrance or looking out our front window.  Right now all the trees around it are still  green and people driving by can’t see it through them.
The enjoyment of walking around the yard shooting these photos (yes they are all the same tree- just featuring different angles and splashes of color) caused me to think about being hidden.  How many times have we been in a crowd and felt no one noticed we were there?  How often it takes years for employers to recognize the “jewel” in their midst as their focus is on production rather than those in the process that truly make it possible?  How many families have that one child who just doesn’t get the same attention as all the others and yet they have very special qualities?  I have been married many years and it never ceases to amaze me that I can learn something new about my husband still to this day- or come to appreciate something he does I have always taken for granted.
Today I am defining something hidden simply as something we are not looking for.  Many times I find myself so overwhelmed or so busy I don’t even look around.  Yet taking a moment today to explore my own front yard I found a reason to smile and appreciate “my world”.
“For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”  Matthew 7:8

A promise to act upon no matter what the circumstances…….......................

Friday, October 12, 2012

Imagine.  Imagination.  A way to escape.  A way to hope.  The way to change.  How many times do we look at a child and wonder just what exactly are they thinking?  Their little minds are constantly looking, touching, exploring, and testing. We applaud each discovery.  When we are no longer a child it is easy to quit imagining.  Quit trying to learn.  Quit exploring and testing possibilities for our life.  This is the moment we no longer live, but give in to the lie that the day comes when there is nothing new and wonderful for us to find.  Limitations rather than possibilities frame our life decisions.              

So many circumstances can bring us to a moment like this.  Recently I found myself leaning toward that lie.  I experienced loss causing grief, physical issues limiting life, hurt from unexpected rejection, and shock and disillusionment when a battle won over illness in a family member that had given us two years of restoration and victory came crashing back.  I hesitate to be this revealing in my writing as often readers respond with sympathy or empathy rather than understanding my point.  You see I don’t consider my experiences to be so unique.  Most everyone I know has a similar list though the details are widely varied.  Whatever it is that challenges us to the brink of losing hope is not the issue- it is what we do when we find ourselves there. 

It is the children in my life that have shown me the way out.  Imagine possibilities.  Look around me and discover new things in life- new options!  Touch those around me and let them touch me.  Test the options and embrace those that work.  Receive the applause others give when I advance into the world I imagined. Rejoice in the fact that I am a child- God’s child.  I shall sing today the 3rd verse of “This is My Father’s World”…. 

This is my Father's world.
O let me ne'er forget
that though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.
This is my Father's world:
why should my heart be sad?
The Lord is King; let the heavens ring!
God reigns; let the earth be glad!



Sunday, October 7, 2012

It’s Sunday morning and I just don’t write on Sundays.  Yet here I am at the computer compelled to tell you the thoughts flowing through my heart early on this day.  I am a “church goer” person not because it is a commandment and I fear disobedience will keep me out of heaven- but because there is no where else I want to be on Sunday.  I long to be with friends who share my love for God and believe that Jesus made a sacrifice of himself because He loves me (and every other human he created).  I can’t wait to read Dr. David Jeremiah’s new book “God loves me; He always has and He always will”.  Everything and everyone has disappointed me at some juncture of life except this one truth and so at least for this day of the week I will stop and declare this is who I am and have been since I was eight years old.  That is decades of years I have never been disappointed, but rather amazed at the love of God that remains constant even in my worst moments.  He is the perfect Father who hasn’t missed even a second of my life.  There to shout the victories.  There to comfort my sadness.  There to cast out any fear.  There to heal my hurts.  There to joy in touching others lives.  There to laugh with me at the antics of my grandchildren.  There to direct me in times of confusion.  It is Sunday.  I will share this morning with those who also have a grateful heart and want to give thanks and praise to the God who desires that all man come unto Him and receive eternal life....(above picture taken two weeks ago with my pastor Don Blevins on his birthday)