Thursday, August 25, 2011

Starting the 3rd cup of coffee and the caffeine still hasn’t kicked in.  A thousand things to do and I can’t seem to get started on one!  My mind is blocking out all reality and I stand there in my “empty box” -a term I learned describing a man on the couch- certainly not Planet Carol!  Recognizing I am in the empty box brings on action and for me there is no other choice.  Where is it?  Not in the office stack or on top of the television so I must get on my knees without spilling the coffee (I can’t seem to give up even for a moment) and dig through the cupboard of DVD’s.  There it is.  Seeing the cover brings hope and I  find the strength to get off the floor, take out the disc, put it in, hit play and press volume up about 6 times.  As soon as the first sound rings in my ears my thoughts begin to organize and by the second scene I am dressed and in action!  My day is moving even better than I could have hoped for.  “White Christmas”.   It is a “White Christmas” day on the rainy, muggy, air alert pollution warning, and heat index  expected over 105 August Wednesday.   For years I have rescued myself from many otherwise dreary days with the movie “White Christmas”.  It has given the energy for housework, paperwork, clutter removal, finishing the project that has been undone for months, and by the end of the movie there is a clear image of completed tasks around me and I am smiling!
I have often shared this discovery when talking to family or friends that need a “White Christmas” day.  Singing and dancing is not for everyone, so it may take a little research to see what causes your emotions to lift.  That is where the battle begins almost every time.  Our emotions are restricting our mind and body from normal functioning.   The movie “White Christmas” always makes me smile and feel good.  Every time I watch it the same adrenaline flows through my veins.  The realization of that is why I go there.  Those of you that know me are probably thinking this sounds very non-spiritual- why not Praise and Worship Music?  The answer is that Praise and Worship music draws me spiritually and though I love it I can’t help being drawn in and so then I have a day of sharing with the Lord which is perfect, but all the things I need to do are still sitting undone!  We are individuals who make choices every day and we make too many of them to appease or impress others rather than follow our true selves.  When we find things that help us along and improve our outlook for any given moment we need to jot that in our memory to bring out of the closet when needed.  I say thank God for whatever works!  

1 comment:

  1. There is advice a mother gives that sticks with you for the rest of your life! Putting the movie "White Christmas" on in the background when I am home alone....makes me feel like the world is right again. What would we do without this classic film??
