Thursday, September 12, 2013

Monday I was helping a more advanced piano student to choose a new piece to work on.  This involved me playing several pieces for him.  At one point after making a couple mistakes I stopped and explained my eyes were watering due to allergies making it hard for me to see clearly.  “I am just…I can’t think of the word I want to describe this moment.” I said.  “Decrepit.” He answered not even taking a moment to think.  In shock I told him laughingly I wouldn't get over that for a week.  I got a dictionary and had him read the meaning; “Old. Worn out.”  He was laughing now too trying to explain he didn't really know that was what it meant.  It’s Thursday and I’m still laughing about it but also thinking about it.  After all he did describe me that way innocent or not.

Young children can get away with using words inappropriately and we think they are cute.  The older they become the less cute it is and at some point if even momentarily we take it as from the heart.  The result is hurt.  If we believe them it can even be humiliating and discouraging.  This moment caused me to reflect once again on the power of words.  There are many directed to us daily and often they are hurtful.  I decided how important it is for me to work on my listening and responding skills.  As with this young man, I can choose to reply to words directed at me.  Clarify the intent of the delivery.  Ultimately I can choose to eject them as insignificant- ignorant- or just simply wrong and avoid being affected.  

The other side of the coin is the joy of receiving words that bring joy-laughter- encouragement and/or just make us feel good!  Every day husband comes in and I call out “Baby doll!” and he answers “Sweetie Pie”.  My twenty- two month old grandson upon entering the house hollers “hello” and I respond “hello” often several times until we hug.  Recently I received a thank you card which said, “You are always the one who comes.  That means a lot.  I do want to ask one thing.  The next time you go through something- don’t shut me out.  Let me come for you next time.  No one likes to be the one on the receiving end all the time.”

It was such a beautiful sentiment for her to write.  We all have a time we need a good word and we all have something to say to another in need.  I am grateful to have such friends.  No doubt many do not.  Perhaps today I can find one of those lonely souls and say something to give them the kind of hope words opposite of decrepit can bring……….

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

After posting pictures of her very pink very princess room I was not prepared to present my granddaughter with bright colorful princess folders for school and have her say, “Grandma, I’m ten now.”  Already there is pressure to meet the expected standards of peers in public.   All those peers have rooms like hers- love the baby doll and Barbie play at each other’s houses, but that is home and public is different.  To her it’s like wearing pajamas to school to carry those folders.

The same week I took my now twenty-one month old grandson to a movie with the ten and twelve year old.  He lasted about 40 minutes.  I spent the other hour and fifteen minutes following him as he explored the entire theater complex struggling to keep up with him and actually tearing my pants in a happy but hilarious tug of war.  Thankfully my shirt was long enough to cover the damage.  There is no doubt about the fact that age defines us in many circumstances.  It is true that all ages mix well in many shared experiences but there are definitely as many more that they don’t.

Being of the variety that believes I am still in my twenties and relate to anyone it causes me to cringe when I am offered a hand on steep steps, asked if I am OK as my face gives away the fact I am hot, and receive a lot more advice on what to do and not to do from my family.  I need the help and rarely is the advice wrong but I struggle between wanting to remain the giver- caretaker- in control person and wanting to have a break!

These flowers have had good days and bad days this summer.  At one point I was sure they were dying.  Yet here they are today blooming as lovely as ever.  No matter what the set back may be I will hold on to the hope that I have strong blooms yet to shine and wave in the winds of life.  Tonight I go to court over a speeding ticket- I had forgotten they gave those out, but evidently some things apply to all ages!  Perhaps I will go to Wal-Mart and buy a princess shirt to throw the judge off………………