Thursday, November 10, 2011

We were banished to the kitchen.  It wasn’t her fault- it was mine.  Her favorite new job of doing grandma’s pedicure was disrupted by my knocking the polish bottle out of her hand.  This mishap created a very contemporary coral design on my otherwise beige carpet.  Papa wasn’t happy.  We tried a couple quick fixes including polish remover to no avail.  I will be googling possible answers as the local folks had no remedy.  Later that morning Papa made a comment about it and the sweet girl replied, “A lesson learned by me and grandma.”
Accidents happen.  They range from funny to horrific.  Two funny ones come to mind.  Once I was getting up out of my rolling office chair to greet a prospective employee and fell flat on my face in front of her.  The other one was during a very strong mother lecture I was giving one of my girls and she dumped her glass of iced tea on my new white pants.  I didn’t miss a breath- just stood up lecturing and took them off in front of her- still lecturing- went to the sink for emergency soap and cold water- and continued lecturing.  When she began to giggle I looked up and said, “Do you think this is funny?”  The lecture ended…..

In recent years I have experienced repeated head injuries.  First a large bowl fell out of the closet and hit me on the head knocking me out momentarily.  I tried to move a shelf on which a small TV sat and it fell off and hit my head. I’ve tripped several times- most recently over a steel carpet strip someone was removing in a doorway. They left it sticking up part way through the job and upon opening the door my shoe caught it and sent me flying.  The jury is still out concerning the extent of any brain damage that has occurred and my children are threatening to buy me a helmet for Christmas!
Then there are the accidents which are really horrific and cause people to suffer physically, emotionally, and often spiritually.  Few of us have not been touched by one in this category.  We find no humor in them.  People walk away without words of comfort in shock themselves.  I thought about people I know this morning who are accident victims.  I had the thought Jesus never had an accident.  I was reminded that on the way to the cross he fell under the weight of all he was carrying.  God had a man right there who though forced, willingly carried the cross for him the rest of the way.  God always has a way to complete our journey.  It may not be easy, but the end of His plan is always good.  Today I will keep my eyes open and by the grace of God not walk away from anyone without offering comfort. I myself have experienced deep empathy and mercy over and over again.  We can only give what we have received……………………..

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My car was towed away last night.  The past two years have been challenging times for us.  My husband and I both were stressing out in a circumstance we couldn’t seem to find any answer for. There is everyone and no one to blame.  Did we overspend what our earnings were?  Yes.  Were there events or calamities that caused extra expense?  Yes.  Were our incomes affected by the overall economy?  Yes. Music is always the first to go!  Second is a school cutback in special programs. Thus both our work has been affected.  Thankfully I had been trying to negotiate with the bank to no avail and knew this was going to happen so it wasn’t a shock.
When I first got the car it was such a blessing.  A second vehicle made caring for my mom’s needs and spending time with her easier.  Grandchildren time increased.  No longer did we have to rent a car to take trips to see sick relatives and sadly attend several funerals of those very close to us.  The car gave my daughter freedom from stress for a couple months as she adjusted to a full time job after years of law school.  I was free to get a diet Pepsi before I started my piano lessons.  It was borrowed numerous times- I will never forget a young couple in our church took it to a wedding and came back raving about how comfortable they were in my car! Yes a book could be written about life enjoyed in my car.
For today the car is history and the consequences are yet to be seen.  I can tell you this. Our financial position has improved and we have solidarity in all other areas we thank God and friends for.  So am I going to let this annoy and torment me? No.  Am I looking for another car?  Yes. (One of those miracle ones that just end up parked in your driveway lol!)   Mom actually enjoys riding in the truck as she enjoys the view from higher up.  She and I getting into the truck may win America’s Funniest Home Videos!    Everything is not always as it seems and I fully expect God to honor Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  He has over and over in the journey of my life……